April 2007

It’s April 4th. This is what my backyard looks like today. Not very springlike, huh? It snowed all day yesterday and now the temperature is very low, the wind is blowing and everything is frozen. I want warm weather!

There is one good thing about rotten weather. It keeps me inside and then I have no excuse not to write. I’m working on a story right now. It’s thoughtful and mysterious and, well, odd. I like odd. Odd keeps me interested.

Yesterday I did an odd thing because I’m like that. It was snowing hard. I wanted to go camping! So I took the laptop computer out to the Scamp (my tiny camper) and sat in there to work. I spent the whole day there, drinking tea and trying to keep my feet warm by the heater. I wrote a TON!

Sometimes changing WHERE I write is very inspiring. My usual writing place my desk in my officeis covered in distractions, such as, Star Trek action figures, photos of my kids, junk mail I should throw away, and of course, my Hats of Power. There are books I want to read, bills I ought to pay soon, and stamps, and tape, and paper clips, and catalogs, and…do you really want to know? IT’S A DISASTER. Sometimes it’s hard to concentrate.

It’s too cold to pretend I’m camping today but as soon as it warms up I’m headed back to the trailer for an inspirational change of locale. If you are having trouble with a writing project, take my advice. Go somewhere new. It works!

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