
Vote for Turkeys!

November 2006

Here in Minnesota, November means three things. Hunting season, snow, and Thanksgiving. I don’t hunt, but I do like to get in the spirit of things by wearing a blaze orange hat whenever I walk in the woods. Blaze orange is not really my color but this time of year it makes a statement I can’t resist Do not shoot me. I am not a deer, moose, bear, duck, pheasant, grouse, or rabbit.

As for snow, I’m still waiting. Oh, we’ve had the piddly stuff, the wet kind that melts in a day or two. I’m talking about the deep, powdery, cold, fluffy kind of snow that gives my husband a workout as he shovels a path for the mailman. I love to watch my husband shoveling snow. It gives me a warm, thankful feeling.

And then, there’s Thanksgiving. What could be nicer than spending a day thinking about all the blessings in our lives? I know what could be nicer. Thinking about all our blessings while we eat our fill of TURKEY!

Vegetarians read no further: I love turkey! I love the crackly skin. I love the white meat and the dark meat (but NOT the giblets, eeeww). Last week I read that turkey meat contains a natural sedative. After you eat turkey you feel happy, sleepy, and full. Mmmm. In my book, the turkey is the perfect bird. Did you know Benjamin Franklins thought the turkey should be the national bird? I vote for turkeys! GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE!

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