Out of the Dump

written by

Kristine L. Franklin

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You'll find this book enlightening ...

Over 1,000 children live and scavenge in the Guatemala City garbage dump. In this stunning and heartbreaking book, the dump children photograph and write about their parents, siblings, animals, and about their plans for the future. Mirian Esquivel writes, "Women always have a lot of children because they fall in love when they're only fifteen years old." Rosario Lopez promises, "When I'm a mother, I'm going to educate my daughters." Gladiz Jimenez says, "My parents can't read. / They can only write their names. / Maybe I will be their teacher. / Ma me mi mo mu."

Reviewers have said ...

"Photographer McGirr's introductory note presents a sobering account of the plight of the hundreds of poor children in Guatemala City who spend days scavenging through the city's central garbage dump, searching for items to recycle or resell. McGirr launched the Out of the Dump project, providing children with cameras, film, and shoes. Under Franklin's direction, the participants also began describing their lives in prose and poetry. The hard-hitting pictures pay tribute to the clearly worthwhile efforts of McGirr and Franklin." Publishers Weekly

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